Keep Your Dog’s Tail Wagging: Feeding Raw Food

There are many controversies regarding Raw vs. Kibble feeding, but for some Samoyed owners, a quick trip to the local market is the easiest way to pick your pets’ food. Most people will buy high quality commercial dry or canned food but for me the B.A.R.F diet or commonly referred to as Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods is my go to choice.

In my opinion, feeding your Samoyed a raw diet is one of the best ways to ensure your dog is as healthy on the outside as they are on the inside. Raw diets have had many positive effects on my puppies and adult dogs. First, my Samoyeds tend to have shinier coats, cleaner teeth and have more energy. These benefits are due to dogs being given the proper nutrients found in vegetables, fruits, raw eggs, muscle meats and raw meaty bones. An other positive to feeding the B.A.R.F diet is smaller stools to pick up, which makes my life so much easier.

While many people are scared to try the B.A.R.F diet on their Samoyeds, you should at least try raw, uncooked bones for your pup’s teeth.Slowly transition them onto raw bones as a snack once a week so as not to cause upset stomach, diarrhea, or other discomfort associated with a sudden change in diet. Within weeks, you should see considerable change in teeth color and breath.

Although some people may not like the idea of feeding raw food to their Samoyed, in my opinion it is a great way to keep your dog fit and healthy. Don’t just take my word for it though. Ask other breeders and conduct your own research into the matter.

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