How to Train Your Samoyed

Samoyeds have a reputation for being difficult to train. That’s because Samoyeds are a stubborn and have a strong sense of freedom. The free spirit of the Samoyed makes them endearing as a breed, but it’s also a setback when it comes to training. So how do you train your Samoyed dog or puppy to be the dog you ever wanted?


Whether you have a young puppy or a rescue, a training plan that you can stick to is the most important tool you should utilize on a consistent basis. Training your Samoyed whenever you remember isn’t going to cut it. In order for your dog to properly learn, training needs to be done regularly. Start with the basics. Encourage your Samoyed puppy or rescue to focus on you, whether it be food or play related. Get them in the habit of learning, even for just a few minutes a session. Give your dog real life training opportunities and expectations. Your Samoyed runs out the door before you? Have them “sit” and “stay” and when your pup does the action right, immediately reward with affection or food.

A Samoyed’s love for people makes them eager to please, and they will take to new training routines if utilized in a playful way.It’s important to keep in mind that your Samoyed is unique and will learn at their own pace.With patience and persistence, you and your Samoyed will progress through training sessions and build a strong bond that will last forever.

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