Do Samoyeds Shed and How To Manage The Fur?

The Samoyed’s smile is one of the most heart-warming traits of these wonderful Siberian dogs. With their fluffy and coarse coat, Samoyeds are truly hard to resist. However as an owner, you may wonder if all their fluff means they shed a lot.

Samoyeds are heavy shedding dogs, but can be managed with the proper grooming techniques. After all, they were bred to survive in sub-zero temperatures, not warm houses, thus needing a thick and warm double coat for protection. Samoyeds are prone to shedding twice a year when they blow their coats and right after giving birth to their puppies.

Regular grooming will always help to cut down on general shedding. It will take some time, so if you’re a busy owner, this dog is probably not for you. One of the best ways of keeping your Samoyed’s coat “in check” is with consistent coat brushing. Keyword being “consistent.” NEVER use a Furminator on any double-coated breed, especially on a Samoyed. Instead, I highly recommend using the bruBig G slicker brush by Chris Christensen and a Greyhound comb. You will need to line-brush and comb but the results will be amazing.

A high velocity dryer, also known as a forced air dryer, is a lifesaver, and a great investment for a Samoyed owner. Although they aren’t cheap, you can release mats, dirt and loose hair while drying your Samoyed in half the time of a standard hair dryer. I highly recommend the K9 dryer.

It can be a challenge to groom a Samoyed but with the right tools and consistency you fur-friend while appreciate it.

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